Why Not So Spartan?

“With all the economic gains of the twentieth century…the paradox is that we have less rather than more time for reflection and depth, friendship and intimacy, beauty and sensitivity, even common decency. These values seem incidental in the quest for more productivity, more material things, more wealth, more notoriety, more titles and prestige.” Anthony Ipsaro

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tools made for the Bike Paintings

These images capture the mark-making tools used in the Bike Month Paintings. A little bit of duct tape and a bucket of bike parts created an interesting challenge.

These studies allow me to experiment with ways to bring interesting lines into my work.

Stop by the Transparent Studio to see the display of paintings and the bike part tools.

1 comment:

Ju-Pong said...

Great recycling and fantastic way to make biking more visible. Would love to see video of you painting!