Why Not So Spartan?

“With all the economic gains of the twentieth century…the paradox is that we have less rather than more time for reflection and depth, friendship and intimacy, beauty and sensitivity, even common decency. These values seem incidental in the quest for more productivity, more material things, more wealth, more notoriety, more titles and prestige.” Anthony Ipsaro

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Bike Month!

What is happening in the windows?


Alix Refshauge
Artist-In-Residence and Development Director for Hub-Bub


Davies Reich
Middle School and Upper School Art at the Spartanburg Day School

Kris Neely
Director of the Success Initiative at Wofford College

To celebrate bike month, four artists have been invited to activate the windows of the building once held the Regional Museum of History. Alix Refshauge, Hoondirt, and Davies Reich are creating the centerpiece of the storefront triptych, creating an amusingly elegant Peter Max style spring scene drawing the imagination into the past and emerging future.

Kris Neely will continue his "Not so Spartan" experiments as the bookends to the Refshauge/Reich piece, anchoring their collaboration in the present day. One window will feature works created during Neely's Artist-In-Transit project, while the other will feature Neely creating new art works using only discarded bike parts in his transparent studio. Visitors are encouraged to stop by during the month of May to see these works, but the artists will be present on May 2 during the Steadman-Hawkins Classic. Friday, May 2, 2008 at Spring Fling from 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

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